sobota, 24 stycznia 2009

3 fish oil omega

Why do not Eskimos have myocardinal infarction?

Basic information about fatty acids 3 fish oil omega and 6 fish oil omega. Fatty acids 3 fish oil omega and 6 fish oil omega are important for the health of each human. Typical food of Eskimos is fat rich and it hardly ever includes vegetables or fruit. It is very amazing, that they do not suffer from heart diseases.

Let’s look at hormonal system of human:
Activity of unsaturated fatty acids in the human organism manifests , that they take participate in the creation of tissue hormones, which accomplish important tasks , for example: blood coagulation, in the regulation of blood flow vessels, immunity , at course of inflammations or course of fever, reaction to pain and at many other functions of organisms.
In order to keep the right level of hormonal balance, human organism continuous supply of fatty acids 3 fish oil omega and 6 fish oil omega in relation of 1:1 Unfortunately , during social development important disturbance of balance between these two kinds of acids appeared.
Food of prehistorical human showed relatively stable and ideally consumed amount of fatty acids 3 fish oil omega and 6 fish oil omega. However modern human who lives in industrial developed countries consumes twenty times more fatty acids 6 fish oil omega than fatty acids 3 fish oil omega.
The lack of proper proportion leads in our developed society to many chronic diseases, for example: heart diseases, high blood pressure , osteoporosis, rheumatism , asthma or Alzheimera disease.
Eskimos are the exception in this development , because they still consume fatty acids 3 fish oil omega and 6 fish oil omega in almost ideal proportions. Fat fish are the base of their diet. They prevent myocardinal infarctions and brain strokes in this way.

Simple balance!
Our purpose should be the inclusion of fatty acids 6 fish oil omega and 3 fish oil omega in daily menu in healthy proportion from 1:1 to 1:5.We can provide ourselves normal level of hormones in this way and metabolism will be kept in balance for this reason.

What does it mean for our daily eating habits?
We should eat more fatty acids 3 fish oil omega than fatty acids 6 fish oil omega. Fatty acids 6 fish oil omega are found in many foodstuffs, for example: in food fried on vegetable oil or margarine, in vegetables fats are contained in baked and parboiled food. Fatty acids 3 fish oil omega are considered as more nutritious than other unglutted fatty acids which occur in nature. Majority of people have deficit of fatty acids 3 fish oil omega because fatty acids 3 fish oil omega are often omitted in our meals. These acids forcefully lowering the risk of infarctions and brain strokes. Fatty acids 3 fish oil omega have a positive effect on the work of brain and nerve system effect and fatty acids 3 fish oil omega can have an anti-inflammatory effect as well. The best source of fatty acids 3 fish oil omega are maritime fish which are high in fat (mackerel, tuna, salmon), nuts, linseed oil and rapeseed oil. Especially rapeseed oil is rich in fatty acids.

Many scientists suppose that dramatic increase in diseases of cardial vessels in the industrialized world nowadays is the result of the decrease in the amount of consumed fatty acids 3 fish oil omega. Patients cured after infarctions who had a high 3 fish oil omega diet demonstrated 70 % lower mortality rate because of diseases of cardial vessels. This is a phenomenon which will not always come into beging even at treatment with the most modern medicines.

Basic information about fatty acids 3 fish oil omega.

piątek, 23 stycznia 2009

3 fish oil omega

Welcome to my 3 fish oil omega blog.Here you will learn 6 fish oil omega and 3 fish oil omega.